PM meets leaders of Japanese National Diet

PM meets leaders of Japanese National Diet

(VOVWORLD) -Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh held separate meetings with President of the House of Councillors of Japan Otsuji Hidehisa and Speaker of the House of Representatives Nukaga Fukushiro, as...
UN warns of bleak global humanitarian situation

UN warns of bleak global humanitarian situation

(VOVWORLD) - The United Nations said that the global humanitarian situation will worsen as conflicts and climate change make communities more vulnerable and UN agencies’ operational budgets shrink
Legitimate rights of workers ensured

Legitimate rights of workers ensured

(VOVWORLD) - The 13th Vietnam Trade Union Congress for the 2023-2028 tenure will take place from Friday to Sunday in Hanoi. This is an important political event for the working class and Vietnamese tradeunions...
Oil and Gas - The “driving force” of Vietnam's economy

Oil and Gas - The “driving force” of Vietnam's economy

(VOVWORLD) - On November 27, 1961, the first oil and gas organization in Vietnam, the Oil Exploration Brigade, was established. Over more than six decades with numerous ups and downs, generations of oil and gas workers have exerted efforts and determination to...
Vietnam, China work to deepen bilateral trade

Vietnam, China work to deepen bilateral trade

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on Saturday underlined the importance of the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between Vietnam and China in Vietnam's foreign policy