58th anniversary of Dien Bien Phu victory celebrated

(VOVworld) - The People’s Army newspaper on Monday ran an editorial on its first page praising the Dien Bien Phu victory in 1954 - a historic milestone of Vietnam. The editorial said the victory is always a heroic song about Vietnamese people’s staunchness, intelligence, and spirit during their revolutionary struggles. The victory is remembered by the world as a glorious feat of arms of Vietnam that destroyed the fortress of French imperialism. The victory reflected the wise leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam and President Ho Chi Minh in the country’s fight for national independence and freedom.

58th anniversary of Dien Bien Phu victory celebrated  - ảnh 1
General Giap plans the Dien Bien Phu campaign

The New Hanoi newspaper and The People newspaper today also carried articles about the heroic and historic land of Dien Bien Phu which is rapidly developing. On this occasion, the People newspaper introduced a book about Vietnam’s prominent military strategist - General Vo Nguyen Giap - which includes stories about him told by his relatives and close aides.

On Sunday, the northern province of Dien Bien and Thai Nguyen province hosted a live television program entitled “from the Thai Nguyen evacuation zone to Dien Bien Phu victory”.  The show featured films and documentaries about the hardship the Vietnamese people and soldiers endured during the 9 revolutionary years as well as images of a changing Dien Bien in modern time. Nguyen Truong Xuan, a war veteran who now lives in Dien Bien city, said: "These days, all people in Dien Bien Phu celebrate the victory with our greatest pride. With this live program, I can relive our former campaigns here and we are very determined to contribute all we can to the development of this land." 

Celebrations are underway to mark the 58th anniversary of the great victory  at Dien Bien Phu after a ceremony in Dien Bien province on Monday. Dien Bien district’s party committee secretary Le Trong Khoi said that the victory reflected a dramatic change in the tactics of the Vietnamese Army and its people. It’s one of the most famous victories in the country’s history of struggles against foreign invaders in the 20th century. The Dien Bien Phu Victory marked the collapse of colonialism, and greatly encouraged the national liberation movement. It stood for peace, independence, and the social advance of colonial countries around the world.

On the occasion, the local authorities and veterans associations at all levels met, and visited those who took part in the battle. They reviewed the resounding victory, and the veterans’ current role in national construction. Visits to historical sites have also been organized for students, to help them understand more about their history. An exhibition of paintings recording past events was also held at the provincial Cultural Center.


