Vietnam connects the intercontinental information network

(VOVworld) – Phase 4 of the Trans-Eurasia Information Network, TEIN 4 Vietnam, was inaugurated in Hanoi on Friday.

Vietnam connects the intercontinental information network - ảnh 1
Deputy Minister of Science and Technology, Tran Viet Thanh, and representatives of the  Trans-Eurasia Information Network Cooperation Center press the button to inaugurate TEIN 4 Vietnam (photo:
The Trans-Eurasia Information Network develops infrastructure for a high-speed information network to serve the purposes of scientific research and cooperation between Asian and European countries. Vietnam connected to TEIN 2 in 2006 to form the Vinaren super infrastructure, linking local scientific research and training organizations with regional and international networks. It has strengthened cooperation and international integration, contributing to Vietnam’s industrialization and modernization process.
Tran Viet Thanh, Deputy Minister of Science and Technology, spoke at the ceremony: "The inauguration of TEIN 4 marks Vietnam’s progress in science and technology. I ask Vinaren members and scientists to be more active in applying network applications and to exploit the advantages of the network to improve Vietnam’s research and training capacity. It’s necessary to propose suitable policies to effectively use the Vinaren network in the period between 2014-2020."

Vietnam’s participation in the phase 4 of the Trans-Eurasia Information Network has affirmed the country’s efforts to build an information infrastructure which connects Vietnamese scientists and researchers with colleagues from all around the world.


