Vietnam Import-Export Report 2023 released

(VOVWORLD) -The Vietnam Import-Export Report 2023 was released in Hanoi on Thursday. 

Vietnam Import-Export Report 2023 released  - ảnh 1The ceremony to publish the Vietnam Import-Export Report 2023

The 8th edition of the annual publication has been published by the Ministry of Industry and Trade since 2016. The report gives a comprehensive overview of the import-export picture over the past year, forecasts for this year, international import and export markets, legal documents, and green import-export trends.

Nguyen Cam Trang, Deputy Director of the Agency for Foreign Trade, highlighted new points this time the report focuses on export market information – export performance and new policies of import markets.

“This is what manufacturing enterprises are interested in and find useful for their export activities,” said Trang, adding, “In the report we attach great importance to listing specific import-export regulations so businesses can implement them. Also high on the agenda was information about trade remedies and negotiations, and new regulations on rules of origin.”

After seven years of issuance, the report has been well received by associations, state management agencies, and businesses as a timely and reliable source of information.


