VOV Hot Radio awarded ABU Special Jury Prize

(VOVworld) - Hot Radio, a program produced by Radio the Voice of Vietnam (VOV) for amateur singers from across Vietnam, has received the Special Jury Prize 2013 of the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU).

Editor Hoai Anh, who hosts Hot Radio, accredited the prize to the whole production crew:"All team members have been working closely and harmoniously. We’ve spent lots of time and effort on the show. It’s my honor and happiness to be the host, which is the face of Hot Radio. This award is not for me alone but for all the production team of Hot Radio and all the members of VOV’s Music, News, and Entertainment channel".

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Host Hoai Anh, on behalf of the Hot Radio production crew, receives the Special Jury Prize 2013. (Photo: VOV)

At the award ceremony held Monday during the 50th ABU General Assembly meeting, the jury presented prizes to 7 radio programs and 8 television products selected from 260 nominated programs of 20 countries.

Tran Binh Minh, Director General of Vietnam Television, the host of the ABU meeting, said:"The ABU Prize acknowledges efforts of broadcasters in its member countries after a year of hard work. I believe that many other TV and radio programs are also of high quality and deserve the prize. There were a lot of achievements and initiatives made in this industry over the year. I would like to thank the judges for their fine sense of justice to select the most deserving works and congratulate the organizations, stations, and individuals who received the prizes". 

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Tran Binh Minh, Director General of Vietnam Television, the host of the ABU meeting, delivers his speech at the award ceremony. (Photo: VOV)

ABU presented a Dennis Anthony Memorial Award for best news coverage of the year by a member of Asiavision, ABU's daily news exchange. 3 individuals received ABU Technical Awards, including the Broadcast Engineering Excellence Award, the Engineering Industry Excellence Award, and the Developing Broadcaster’s Excellence Award. Several creative products were given commendation prizes.

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