Workshop on intellectual property in the global trade environment

(VOV) – A workshop on intellectual property in the global trade environment, a solution to deal with problems for Vietnamese enterprises, took place on Tuesday in Ho Chi Minh city.

Workshop on intellectual property in the global trade environment - ảnh 1

The event was co-organized by the Department of Intellectual Property under the Ministry of Science and Technology and Vietnamese High-quality Products Enterprises Association. Participants discussed the protection of intellectual property rights and creative space, and Vietnamese enterprises who owned intellectual property in the globalized environment. Minister of Science and Technology, Nguyen Quan, stressed the importance of Vietnam’s registration of intellectual property: "Intellectual property is at the top of our list of concerns as Vietnam integrated into the world economy. Besides meeting the basic requirements of the World Trade Organization, Vietnam is taking part in negotiations on other treaties related to intellectual property. This poses both challenges and opportunities for Vietnamese enterprises, as Vietnam will receive further protection as a result of being a member country of the treaty".

In Vietnam, the Intellectual Property Law took effect in 2005 with rather mostly extensive legal documentation but copyright violations still happen. According to business, the difficulties in intellectual property registration are due to complicated legal procedures, high level costs and the strict intellectual property protection mechanism.

