Vietnam attends international charity bazaar

Vietnam attends international charity bazaar

(VOVworld) - Vietnam’s traditional culinary arts fascinated foreign friends at the International Bazaar held at the UN Headquarters on Tuesday to raise funds for disadvantaged children around the world
President attends Policy Dialogue on Vietnam-US ties

President attends Policy Dialogue on Vietnam-US ties

(VOVworld) - President Truong Tan Sang has said that Vietnam-US ties have become an indispensable element in the concerted efforts of the international community to maintain peace, security, and development...
President attends UN Peace Keeping Summit

President attends UN Peace Keeping Summit

(VOVworld) - President Truong Tan Sang attended the United Nations Peace Keeping Summit in New York on Monday, as part of the ongoing 70th session of the UN General Assembly
Vietnam attends UNIDO sponsored projects

Vietnam attends UNIDO sponsored projects

(VOVworld) - The Prime Minister has approved Vietnam’s participation in a regional project funded by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) as part of efforts to implement the Stockholm Convention of...
Vietnam attends the 3rd China-South Asia Expo

Vietnam attends the 3rd China-South Asia Expo

(VOVworld) – Vietnam’s major produces, including agricultural, sea and wooden products and footwear are being introduced at the 3rd China-South Asia Expo which opened in Kunming city in Yunnan province...
Vietnam attends Brussels Forum 2015

Vietnam attends Brussels Forum 2015

(VOVworld) - Hoang Anh Tuan, Head of the Institute for Strategic Research under Vietnam’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is representing Southeast Asia at Brussels Forum 2015, scheduled from March 19th to...