Vietnam Farmers’ Association’s role in building new rural areas

(VOVworld) – The successes achieved in 3 years of implementing the National Target Program on building new rural areas are largely due  to the contributions of the Vietnam Farmers’ Association’s at all levels. With over 10 million members, 10,500 branches, and 93,000 local units, the Vietnam Farmers’ Association plays a leading role in boosting scientific and technological application and technical transfer to farmers.

The Vietnam Farmers’ Association has issued a resolution to direct its branches at provincial and city levels to implement the National Target Program on building new rural areas from 2011 to 2020. The primary task of the local branches is to inform Association members and other farmers of the program’s targets, meaning, and content. The Association has promoted role models in production and the innovative measures of organizations and individuals in building new rural areas. It has diversified communication activities to make the content easy to understand for farmers so they will actively participate. Nguyen Duy Luong is Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Farmers’ Association. "The National Target Program on new rural development is a joy for the Farmers’ Association at all levels and we have implemented specific activities to realize it. Farmers nationwide have understood the Program’s targets and meanings and benefits for them. Local Party cells and authorities have mobilized the Association’s staff to implement the program. Tra Vinh province has assigned the Farmers’ Association to build new rural areas in 17 pilot communes."

Vietnam Farmers’ Association’s role in building new rural areas - ảnh 1
Ethnic minority people in Ban Lau commune in Lao Cai province become better off by planting bananas and pine-apples

The Vietnam Farmers’ Association and its branches have launched emulation movements in production, trading, mutual support in poverty reduction, and national defense and security based on new rural criteria. Lao Cai province’s Farmers’ Association has instructed its branches and members to get involved in building new rural areas. 955 households donated 250,000 workdays and 270,000 square meters of land to build roads and public works. Dinh Van Toan, Chairman of Lao Cai province’s Farmers’ Association, says: "Lao Cai province’s Farmers’ Association has rallied all the people. 90% of the province’s population are farmers who are also active members of the Association. Our tasks are to communicate and encourage our members’ participation and to consult for the State in building new rural areas. We have many effective models combining new rural development and good production and trading."

Hanoi’s Farmers’ Association has played an important role in agro-forestry and fishery production and developing rural areas. Chairman Trinh The Khiet said the Association has organized 1,500 meetings to talk about the targets, meaning, and responsibilities of the Association and its members in building new rural areas. Farmers have donated tens of thousands of workdays, 400 million USD, and thousands of square meters of land. Hanoi has nearly 1,800 high-yield production models. 161 of 401 communes have achieved more than 10 of the new rural criteria. Mr. Khiet says: "We have focused communication activities on the 19 new rural criteria, including ways to improve people’s spiritual and material lives. In order to boost the new rural development program, we’ll continue to mobilize contributions of labor, materials, and land. If the Farmers’ Association fails to mobilize the farmers, the new rural development program will have problems."

Farmers’ Association at all levels should renew its activities and effectively combine communication with instructions, assistance, services, and training for farmers. It’s necessary to review and honor excellent organizations and individuals to make the Program more practical and widespread.

Vinh Phong   

