President Obama calls for peaceful transition of power

President Obama calls for peaceful transition of power

(VOVworld) – US President Barack Obama on Thursday called on Democratic senators to restrain their disappointment that Republican candidate Donald Trump won the Presidential election, and collaborate to ensure a peaceful...
US election 2016: Clinton ahead of Trump

US election 2016: Clinton ahead of Trump

(VOVworld) – Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump cut into Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton's lead slightly after the second presidential debate, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll
Clinton takes lead over Trump in key states

Clinton takes lead over Trump in key states

(VOVworld) - Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton is leading Republican Donald Trump in key states in the race for the White House, according to opinion polls earlier this week
Clinton opens up 10-point lead over Trump

Clinton opens up 10-point lead over Trump

(VOVworld)- Hillary Clinton has widened her lead over Donald Trump to 10 points in the wake of the Democratic convention. Fox surveyed 1,022 registered voters from Sunday to Tuesday; Clinton leads Trump 49% to 39% in a...
US presidential campaign complicates TPP ratification

US presidential campaign complicates TPP ratification

(VOVworld) - Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Bernie Sanders's notable victories in the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday have complicated the path for US Congress to approve the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership ...