Putin blasts fake allegations against Trump

Putin blasts fake allegations against Trump

(VOVworld) - Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday called reports that US president-elect Donald Trump has been compromised by Russian intelligence “total nonsense”, saying that the reporters have no moral boundaries....
Donald Trump criticizes EU’s refugee policy

Donald Trump criticizes EU’s refugee policy

(VOVworld) – Relations between the EU and US President-elect Donald Trump have turned sour following his criticism of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open refugee policy as a “catastrophic mistake”
New UN chief speaks with Trump

New UN chief speaks with Trump

(VOVworld)- UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres spoke by phone on Wednesday with U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, UN Deputy Spokesperson Farhan Haq told reporters
96 Russians to leave US due to sanctions

96 Russians to leave US due to sanctions

(VOVworld)- A total of 96 Russian diplomats and their family members will have to leave the US, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Friday
US President Donald Trump begins filling his Cabinet

US President Donald Trump begins filling his Cabinet

(VOVworld) - President-elect Donald Trump on Friday selected Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions as his attorney general. Trump also named retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn as his White House national security...
Obama urges Trump to send “signals of unity”

Obama urges Trump to send “signals of unity”

(VOVworld) – US President Barack Obama has called on President-elect Donald Trump to send signals of unity after a bitterly fought campaign. At a press conference on Monday, Obama suggested...