Amazing photos of “Lonely Trees” in Vietnam

Amazing photos of “Lonely Trees” in Vietnam

(VOVWORLD) - With a passion for photography, Vietnamese Cao Ky Nhan has impressed the public with the release of his magical photo collection “Lonely Trees”. Having spent lots of time traveling around...
Prize-winning photos of National Youth Photo Festival 2017

Prize-winning photos of National Youth Photo Festival 2017

(VOVWORLD) - The second National Youth Photo Festival 2017 was launched to encourage young professional and amateur photographers to capture images of Vietnam’s land, people, and development. Titled “Young Thoughts, Young Views”...
Hanoi’s architectural heritage in photos

Hanoi’s architectural heritage in photos

(VOVworld) - The 11th “Hanoi in me 2016” exhibition was on at the heritage center of the Thang Long Imperial Citadel under the theme "The imprint of Hanoi’s architectural heritage". The...
Photos about Truong Sa archipelago on display

Photos about Truong Sa archipelago on display

(VOVworld) – The Vietnam News Agency in the southern region is displaying 70 photos taken by its reporters during their visit in May to Truong Sa archipelago and the economics-science...
Images of dynamic ASEAN promoted

Images of dynamic ASEAN promoted

(VOV) - The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism held an award ceremony on Tuesday to honor winners of a competition of photos, reportage, and documentary films on peoples in the...
Photos reveal Hanoi a century ago

Photos reveal Hanoi a century ago

(VOVworld) - The Hanoi-based French Culture Centre (L’Espace) openes its “Hanoi Colour” exhibition, offering a rare glimpse into daily life in the capital 100 years ago