Danang applies IT in administrative reform

(VOVworld) – Danang City led Vietnamese provinces and cities in Provincial Administrative Reform (PAR Index) in 2015 for the fifth consecutive time. Danang also topped the Public Administration Performance Index ranking over the past five years. These results are attributable to the application of IT.

Danang applies IT in administrative reform  - ảnh 1
Danang's administrative center

The “single window” section is located on the first floor on the headquarters of the Danang City’s People’s Committee, where citizens and  representatives of organizations are instructed on how to proceed with their documents. There are computerized screens for citizens to use to search information and rate their satisfaction over the quality of public administration. Tran Hai from Huu Hai Company of Nguyen Tri Phuong Street, Hai Chau district, said: "Everything is good, procedures are quick and simple. Full instructions are given. For example, if I want to work with the Department of Planning and Investment, or the Department of Industry and Trade, they will tell me in detail what I need.”

Similarly, at the district People’s Committee, administrative procedures, including the licensing of a construction project or issuing land certificates are publicized on digital screens. Citizens receive warm instructions from young local staff. Mai Xuan Thuy, deputy head of Office of the Ngu Hanh Son District People’s Committee and leader of the team in charge of citizen reception, said: “Employees from twelve divisions work during four shifts everyday. When citizens come, we greet them and ask what we can do for them. Those who have difficulties in writing, we will write for them.”

Nguyen Thanh Xuan, Vice Chairman of the Thanh Khe District People’s Committee, said over the past three years, the motto “Faster, More Rational, and Friendlier” has been in place, improving the quality of the service.

In 2015, Danang excelled in People’s Participation at the Grassroots Level Index among the six indexes of Public Administration Performance. This demonstrates citizens’ exercise of their right to monitor State governance. Che Viet Son, Deputy Director of Danang’s Department of Home Affairs, said:“The city looks towards a single window electronic model, in which a software system is developed to manage all administrative procedures and keep everything in check.”

