Improving mechanism and resources for agricultural development

(VOVworld) – Despite economic difficulties, Vietnam has exerted efforts in implementing the Party guidelines and government policies on agriculture, farmers, and the countryside. Several meetings on agriculture and rural development were held among leaders of the central government, ministries, sectors, and localities.

Improving mechanism and resources for agricultural development - ảnh 1
A ceremony to honor enterprises and businesspeople in new rural development

Improving mechanisms and resources for agriculture and rural development was the main topic of the national conference on July 3 reviewing 5 years of implementing the project “Expanding the role and responsibilities of the Vietnam Farmers’ Association in agriculture and rural development and improving the farmer class from 2010-2020”.

On August 20, 2015, the Party Central Committee’s Economic Commission, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and the Communist Party Review co-organized a conference on enhancing industrialization and normalization in agriculture and building new rural areas.

Between the two conferences, Deputy Prime Minister Vu Van Ninh, Head of the Steering Committee of the national target program on new rural development, held several meetings with provinces and localities to boost their progress.

Nearly 10% of communes meet the new countryside standard

889 communes and 5 districts nationwide have fulfilled all 19 new rural criteria. These localities have achieved stable economic growth, good socio-economic infrastructure, better cultural and material living conditions, a green-clean-beautiful environment, strong national unity, and stable politics. These criteria have helped realize the goals of a prosperous people, a strong nation, and a democratic, equitable, and civilized society, national industrialization and modernization, and economic and agricultural reform in the countryside.   

Pro-active engagement of the whole political system and public participation have achieved the results of the new rural development program over the past 4 years.

Short-term and long-term tasks

Party Committees and central and local administrations have to adopt new rural development as a standing commitment. They should have action programs that include personnel organization, specific activities, and enhanced communications to engage people in the cause. Vuong Dinh Hue, Head of the Party Central Committee’s Economic Commission, says: “The success of the new rural development program depends on awareness and the role of Party Committees and ministries and sectors in implementing the program. Another factor is improving cooperation between farmers and businesspeople through the new agricultural cooperative model.”

In the context of global integration and stiff competition, agricultural production must increase quality and efficiency. The Vietnamese government has reserved resources for developing agriculture. Farmers have benefited from training programs to become experts capable of operating large-scale, modern farming models. Deputy Prime Minister Vu Van Ninh says: “If we continue our small, scattered production, we cannot compete globally. Household economy plays an important role but households should cooperate to form large-scale production groups. Farmers should enhance agricultural restructuring, join production cooperatives, and contract with enterprises to form production, processing, and distribution chains.”

The Vietnamese Party and government have reviewed the 1st phase of new rural development from 2011 to 2015 and have prepared for the 2nd phase from 2016 to 2020.

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