VOVWorld – linking Vietnam with the world

(VOVWORLD) - VOVWorld or VOV5 of the Voice of Vietnam with its multi-foreign language broadcasts started its first overseas program on September 7, 1945. Over the last 76 years, VOV5’s journalists, editors, and broadcasters have promoted their creativity to develop VOV5 as a leading external information media agency of the Party and government and a bridge linking Vietnam with international friends.
VOVWorld – linking Vietnam with the world - ảnh 1VOV5’s Director Nguyen Tien Long

VOV5 is also called the National External Information Channel, the Overseas Service, and now VOVWorld. It produces programs in 13 languages including English, French, Chinese, Russian, Japanese, Spanish, Laotian, Thai, Cambodian, Indonesian, German, Korean, and Vietnamese for overseas Vietnamese people. VOV5 is an external communication agency with the most foreign languages in Vietnam.

Efforts to expand overseas coverage

VOV5 broadcast its first programs in English, French, Cantonese, and Esperanto on September 7, 1945, just 5 days after President Ho Chi Minh read the Declaration of Independence to give birth to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

During its 76 years of development, VOV5 has continuously transformed to catch up with global journalistic trends to meet listeners’ demand. Radio programs have been digitalized and diversified on multimedia platforms. The program’s format and broadcasters’ performance have been reformed to attract more listeners.

VOV5’s Director Nguyen Tien Long, said: “VOV5’s slogan “Connectivity – Convergence - Convenience” can be explained that our programs can reach overseas listeners via different platforms. You can listen to us on shortwave and on our website as well as on any platform you prefer such as Facebook, Youtube, podcast, and Spotify. Besides traditional radio broadcasts, we have digital broadcasts and Internet broadcasts with added value on news, stories, documentaries, video clips, short films, livestreams of events and live performances.”

VOV5 has set important development goals until 2030. It will continue to improve digital platforms and upgrade its website vovworld.vn into a foreign online newspaper. VOV5 intends to launch an Arabian radio program to raise its foreign language broadcasts to 14. Shortwave coverage and Internet Radio will be expanded in key areas, including the US, the EU, Northeast Asia, and ASEAN.

VOVWorld – linking Vietnam with the world - ảnh 2VOV5's leaders and broadcasters 

VOV5 – Linking Vietnam with the world

VOV5 broadcast can be heard in 70 countries and territories. There are diverse programs with updated information for foreign listeners as well as overseas Vietnamese. Listeners’ favorite programs include Culture, Economy, Colorful Vietnam-Vietnam 54th ethnic groups among other programs for specific groups of listeners such as Youth Window, the Francophone, Visiting Vietnam on Sunday, and ASEAN House.

Josh Tyler, a British listener, said: “Since knowing about VOV5 channel, I’ve spent time listening as much as I can. The programs I enjoy the most are Discovery Vietnam and Vietnamese Culture. VOV is one of the main sources I can learn about Vietnam, even before I came here. When I came here to work, I didn’t feel to overwhelmed. Thanks VOV.”

Rudy Hartono of Indonesia has been listening to VOV regularly over the last 30 years. He is impressed by VOV’s development and VOV5’s performance to connect Indonesian listeners and Vietnamese people. “I admire VOV’s broadcasters. I’m glad that VOV has contributed to the friendly relationship between Vietnam and Indonesia. VOV is a professional media agency that broadcasts Vietnamese news in 13 languages to the world. I hope VOV will furtherdevelop and reach more international listeners.”

Every year VOV5 receives an average of 10,000 letters, emails, and phone calls from listeners. They have hailed VOV5 as a reliable source of information about Vietnam and shared their love for VOV5’s broadcasters and journalists. It’s precious encouragement and motivation for VOV5’s staff to continue their efforts and dedication to further promote VOV to wider audience around the world and connect Vietnam with international friends.

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