11th session of NA Economic Committee opens

(VOVworld) – The National Assembly’s Economic Committee convened its 11th session in Ninh Binh province on Sunday. Deputies will discuss a government report on the implementation of this year’s development targets, make plans for next year, review the 2011-2015 development plan, and make preparations for the upcoming National Assembly session.

11th session of NA Economic Committee opens - ảnh 1
Head of the NA Economic Committee Nguyen Van Giau

Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung reported that economic growth in the last 9 months increased 5.54%, 0.4% more than in the same period last year. Positive results have been recorded in economic restructuring with a focus on public investment, commercial banks, and state-owned enterprises. Policies on social security, poverty reduction, job generation, new rural development, and healthcare have been effectively implemented. Deputy Minister Dung said plans for next year will target stabilizing the macro-economy and boosting strategic breakthroughs and economic restructuring to achieve a 6.2% increase in GDP and a 10% increase in export turnover.

Pham Xuan Duong, Deputy head of the Party Central Committee’s Economic Commission, suggested that the government focus on manufacturing and material industries and agricultural processing and preservation.

