2013 international forum for business leaders

(VOVworld) – An international forum for business leaders opened in Ho Chi Minh City today/ on Friday. The forum themed “Towards mega-urban center development – opportunities for businesses and investors” was organized by the International Data Group. At the event, participants discussed problems facing Ho Chi Minh City in its development into a mega city with policy, infrastructure, growth potential, and opportunities for businesses and investors. Vo Tri Thanh, Vice President of the Central Institute for Economic Management, said: In more than 25 years of renewal, Ho Chi Minh City has proven itself a dynamic and creative city with its achievements. However, to develop further the city must expand its thinking, its projects, and its connections to other cities and provinces.”

The city’s leaders said that the 10-million-inhabitant city does not consider immigrants a burden, but a strength in labor and intellect contributing to joint development. They added that the city should focus on infrastructure to keep up with population growth.

