2nd General Assembly of Vietnam Mennonite Church

2nd General Assembly of Vietnam Mennonite Church  - ảnh 1

(VOVworld)- The Vietnam Mennonite Church, one of the 10 Protestant organizations recognized by the Vietnamese State held its 2nd General Assembly in HMC City on Wednesday. The event focuses on reviewing its performance in the past 4 years, electing a new Executive Board and adopt the action plan for the next 4 years. Since it received the operation license in 2007, the Vietnam Mennonite Church and its dignitaries and followers have practiced the religion in compliance with the law. They have actively participated in poverty reduction, promoted a cultural lifestyle and joined in humanitarian activities. The organization now has 8,000 followers and 4 chapters across 22 provinces and cities. Pastor Nguyen Quang Trung, head of the Vietnam Mennonite Church said: "We highly appreciate authorities at all levels, especially the Government’s Committee for Religious Affairs for facilitating us to practice our religion. The Committee and other relevant agencies helped us to organize our 2nd congress. We are committed to abiding to the law and fulfilling our citizen obligation".

