31st Diplomatic Conference marks Vietnam’s new development period

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam's growing international status and prestige requires the diplomatic sector to improve its effectiveness, inclusiveness, cooperation, and human resources, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyen Quoc Dung told reporters about the outcomes of the just-concluded 31st Diplomatic Conference on Saturday. 
31st Diplomatic Conference marks Vietnam’s new development period - ảnh 1The 31st Diplomatic Conference (Photo: VNA)

The Conference summarized five major lessons of foreign affairs over the last 76 years of national construction and defense, including 35 years of Renewal (Doi Moi). These are: (i) Combining national strength with the strength of the times, harmoniously handling the relationship between national interests and international obligations and responsibilities; (ii) Being consistent in principle and flexible in strategy; (iii) Building solidarity and consensus among the entire Party, army, and people; (iv) Building organizational structure and personnel work; (v) Promoting lessons on the unified and absolute leadership of the Party and the centralized management of the State.

The 31st Diplomatic Conference unanimously approved a resolution and an action plan with specific measures and directions, which aim to promote the stability and efficiency of foreign relations, with the spirit “heart-to-heart diplomacy, affection, sincerity, trust, equality, respect, efficiency, and mutual development”.

Vietnam will promote and elevate multilateral external relations; resolutely and persistently uphold independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity; maintain a peaceful and stable environment for development; and promote international law and settling disputes by peaceful means.
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