Australia sends first shipment of buffalo to Vietnam

Australia sends first shipment of buffalo to Vietnam - ảnh 1
A buffalo grazes in the Northern Territory swamp. Photograph: AAP

(VOVworld) - Australia’s live animal export industry has taken a new turn, with the first shipment of buffalo to Vietnam from the Northern Territory, NT.

Willem Westra Van Holthe, minister for primary industries, said on Tuesday that the NT is currently the only Australian jurisdiction exporting buffalo and the local authorities were working hard to build relationships with northern neighbours, including Vietnam, to make this kind of trade possible.

An original shipment of more than 220 domesticated buffalo will be joined by another 600 next week and 1500 more in April when the wet season eases. Australian officials will travel to Vietnam in a fortnight to ensure that animal welfare conditions are being met.Dean Ryan, commercial manager for South-East Asia Livestock Services, said exports to Vietnam could be worth up to 20 million Australian dollars this year with possibly up to 20,000 animals to be shipped.

