Bomb blast in Afghanistan kills dozens

(VOVworld) - A suicide attack at a funeral in northern Afghanistan on Monday killed at least nine people and wounded 10.

Bomb blast in Afghanistan kills dozens - ảnh 1
Near the site of a suicide bombing (

A suicide bomber on foot detonated his explosives among hundreds of people who were attending a funeral ceremony in Burka district. Some blamed the Taliban for carrying out the attack. Taj Mohammad Taqwa, the governor of Burka district, said two policemen were among the dead and the death toll could be higher because some of the dead bodies were carried home after the attack. Aminullah Amarkhil, police chief of Baghlan province, said the target was probably a number of high-ranking police officials and provincial council members who were attending the ceremony. They were unharmed.

The bomb blast occurred following a series of attacks in Kabul, underlining concerns about security in Afghanistan as NATO troops prepare to complete their withdrawal this year.

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