British Prime Minister opposes UK withdrawal from EU

In an interview with the Daily Telegraph on Friday, British Prime Minister David Cameron said he doesn’t favor the UK leaving the EU, and warned that the UK would become a sort of “big Switzerland” if it left the 27-nation bloc.

British Prime Minister opposes UK withdrawal from EU - ảnh 1
British Prime Minister David Cameron

Cameron said he will consider holding a referendum on Britain’s EU membership if the negotiations on a “new settlement” with Brussels do not restore more power to the UK in the EU. Cameron’s statement came after the British Chamber of Commerce (BCC) released the results of a poll of 2.000 businesses on the UK-EU relationship. The survey found that half of all companies say they want a looser relationship with the EU. Only 12 percent of the BBC’s members want to leave the EU, while 9 percent favor greater integration and 26 percent are happy with the status quo.

