China, North Korea discuss resumption of 6 party talks

China, North Korea discuss resumption of 6 party talks - ảnh 1
North Korea's First Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kye-gwan delivers a speech at a meeting for the 10th anniversary of the six-party talks at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing in September, 2013 (Jason Lee/Reuters)

(VOVworld)- In an effort to resume the 6-party talks on North Korea’s nuclear program, Zhang Yesui, Chinese Deputy Minister of and his South Korean counterpart Kim Hyong Jun held talks in Beijing on Wednesday to discuss the situation on the Korean Peninsula. Kim Hyong Jun arrived in Beijing on Tuesday for talks with Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs on Asia, Liu Zhenmin. The same day, Wu Dawei, China’s special representative for 6-party talks arrived in Washington and meet with US officials, as well as Britain’s envoy on North Korean issues, Glyn Davies.

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