Deputy Prime Minister asks for more fresh initiatives to boost tourism

(VOVworld) - Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam has asked tourism businesses to find a common voice, and action plan, and come up with more initiatives to boost hospitality sector growth and advertise Vietnam and its people.

Deputy Prime Minister asks for more fresh initiatives to boost tourism - ảnh 1
Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam addressing the ceremony (Photo: VGP)

Mr. Dam made the request at a ceremony held in Hanoi on Wednesday to mark the 55th anniversary of Vietnam’s tourism sector. He stressed that the Party, state and government have adopted many policies removing obstacles to tourism growth, and asked the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and relevant ministries and sectors to work out sound measures to implement these policies. On the occasion, the annual Vietnam Tourism Awards 2014 presented awards to outstanding travel agencies, hotels, carriers, shops and restaurants throughout the country. 

