Deputy Prime Minister works with People’s Supreme Court on salary reform

(VOVWORLD) -Deputy Prime Minister Vuong Dinh Hue has called on the People’s Supreme Court to draft a project on salary reform.
Deputy Prime Minister works with People’s Supreme Court on salary reform - ảnh 1 Deputy Prime Minister Vuong Dinh Hue addressed the working session on salary reform

At a working session on salary and allowance policy for the judicial sector’s employees in Hanoi on Wednesday, Mr. Hue said: “This is a difficult and complicated issue, which concerns nearly 8 million state employees. The recent 6th plenum of the Party Central Committee discussed 2 important resolutions: the first on restructuring the organizational apparatus and streamlining state employees and the second on improving the quality of public agencies. These resolutions are premises for us to build the project on salary reform.”

The Deputy Prime Minister called on the Court to study the salary system of other countries similar to Vietnam or countries with advanced judicial sector and then report the results to Central Steering Committee for Salary Reform, Social Insurance, and Preferences for National Contributors. 

