Direct Vietnam-UK air route announced

(VOVWORLD) - Bamboo Airways will launch regular direct flights connecting Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City with London, increasing to six round-trip flights per week later this year. A ceremony to announce the new flights was held on Sunday in Edinburg, Scotland, attended by Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh.

Direct Vietnam-UK air route announced  - ảnh 1Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh (fifth from left) poses for a photo with delegates attending the ceremony to announce Bamboo Airways' regular direct flights between Vietnam and the UK, October 31, 2021. (Photo: VOV)

The frequency of flights will be increased next year according to market demand. The direct Bamboo Airways flights will take 12-13 hours, 7 hours less than flights with a transit point. 

“The opening of direct flights to the UK is of interest to business and non-business flyers alike, because it shortens travel time and forges closer bilateral relations," said Chairman of FLC Group and Bamboo Airways Trinh Van Quyet.

"It taps a strong tourism potential, as the UK sends more visitors to Vietnam than all but one other European country. At the same time, it enhances trade exchanges and visits between the two countries.”

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