ECOWAS rejects Niger’s three years transition plan

(VOVWORLD) - Abdel-Fatau Musah, Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security of the Economic Community of Western States (ECOWAS), said Monday that ECOWAS has rejected the Niger junta’s three-year power transition plan.

ECOWAS rejects Niger’s three years transition plan  - ảnh 1Niger’s coup leader, General Abdourahamane Tiani (Photo: AFP)

In an interview with Al Jazeera, Musah emphasized ECOWAS’s intention to restore constitutional order in Niger as soon as possible.

Niger’s coup leader, General Abdourahamane Tiani, said Saturday that any transition of power would not exceed three years, warning foreign countries against military intervention in Niger.

Saudi Arabia's Al Arabiya TV reported on Monday on unusual military activities at airports in several ECOWAS member countries, apparently indicating preparations for an intervention that had been previously announced by the bloc. However, specific countries and airports were not disclosed by the source.

In Niger’s capital, Niamey, pro-government activists continue to support the campaign to recruit volunteers for the fight against potential foreign military intervention, with official recruitment planned for Saturday after the registration list is transferred to the military government.

The UNICEF Representative in Niger, Stefano Savi, on Monday warned that the crisis is exacerbating the existing humanitarian problem, with over 2 million children urgently requiring assistance.

UNICEF called on all parties involved to ensure the safe access of humanitarian workers and aid to the most vulnerable children and families in need. In addition, UNICEF urged the parties to ensure that sanctions do not hinder important humanitarian programs.

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