Edward Snowden 'applies for asylum in Russia'

(VOVworld) – The Russian Foreign Ministry has said that US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden has applied to Russia for political asylum. The 30-year-old former CIA contractor, who is wanted by the US, is believed to be holed up in the transit area in Sheremetyevo airport in Moscow.

Russian news agency Interfax cited Foreign Ministry Consul, Kim Shevchenko, as saying that Snowden’s application for asylum was handed to the consul at the airport by British citizen Sarah Harrison who is acting as Snowden's representative.

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that he is likely to reconsider Snowden’s request if the former CIA contractor stops revealing secrets relating to US interests.

Addressing a news conference in Moscow, Putin said "If Snowden wants to go somewhere and there are those who would take him, he is welcome to do so". He added "if he wants to stay here, there is one condition: He must stop his activities aimed at inflicting damage on our American partners".

Putin said Edward Snowden is not a Russian secret agent and Russian Intelligence Agencies haven’t cooperated with him to date.

