Enactment of Law on Cyber Security to ensure information safety

(VOVworld) –NA deputies discussed the bill on Internet security at October 29th NA working session.

Enactment of Law on Cyber Security to ensure information safety  - ảnh 1
Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Bac Son presents the draft Information Security Law at the ongoing 13th NA’s 9th session on June 4.(Photo: nhandan.org.vn)

They said the issuance of such a law will help to complete a legal foundation on information security, create better conditions for stable and equal development for organizations and individuals operating in Vietnam, as well as reinforce the role, responsibility of state management agencies in the field of information security.

Several NA deputies agreed on a plan to focus more resources for training personnel who can be masters in network information security.

Deputy of Phu Tho province, Nguyen Xuan Thuy said that “according to the draft law, the Ministry of Information and Communications is assigned to take the main responsibility for compiling the bill which will be implemented by the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Defense to timely detect the malware harming national security.

“But the Ministry of Information and Communications doesn’t have enough jurisdiction and specialized knowledge in the compilation. I think either the Ministry of Public Security or the Ministry of Defense should take the mission,” Thuy suggested.

He noted that “all the arrangement of education and training in terms of information security is entrusted to the Ministry of Education and Training. The arrangement will cause excess of jurisdiction and overlapping and the organization of implementation will be difficult in reality. The solution is to assign the Ministry of Education and Training to provide cyber security training in universities while the Ministry of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs will provide the training in vocational schools.

The draft law includes nine chapters and 56 articles, defining regulations for information security activities, including ensuring the safety of online information; protecting personal information online; civil cipher; standards and technical regulations on information safety; business operations in the field of information security; human resource development; State management on information security; and the rights and obligations of organisations and individuals engaged in the field.

Vietnam now has 44 million Internet users and more than 140 million mobile phone subscribers.






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