Ethnic Council monitors program to support poorest districts

(VOVworld)-The National Assembly Ethnic Council has establish 6 missions to supervise the implementation of a Government program to support 62 poorest districts nationwide (Program 30a). A team led by Council Chairman K’so Phuoc worked with Muong Khuong district in the northern province of Lao Cai on Friday and was informed that 15 million USD has been invested in infrastructure development, vocational training, building houses for the poor and education over the past 3 years. Mr. K’So Phuoc said: “Program 30a has been implemented comprehensively and effectively in Muong Khuong district. Local authorities have managed to fully tap the district’s potential and advantages to escape poverty”.

Ethnic Council monitors program to support poorest districts  - ảnh 1
Ethnic Council mission works with Tu Mo Rong district

Working with authorities of Tu Mo Rong and Kon Plong districts in the central highlands province of Kon Tum, Ethnic Council member Nguyen Lam Thanh called for efforts to make full use of forest resources in poverty reduction, boost labor export and reduce the birth rate. Mr. Thanh said: “We should design large-scale poverty reduction models to generate income and provide an example for poor people to follow. To this end, we need to mobilize different resources available including science and technology.”

Earlier, the missions visited Thanh Hoa, Nghe An and some other provinces benefiting from the program.

