EU, IMF agree to work intensely on talks on Greece’s debts

EU, IMF agree to work intensely on talks on Greece’s debts - ảnh 1
Greece's Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. Photo: Reuters
(VOVworld) - Leaders of Germany, France and Greece's international creditor institutions have agreed in Berlin to work with "real intensity" in the coming days as they try to reach a deal in debt negotiations with Athens. The move came as Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras criticized creditors over absurd reforms that hinder negotiations regarding Greece’s debt crisis. Alexis Tsipras has sent a “realistic” and “comprehensive” set of proposed reforms to its eurozone creditors on Tuesday night.

Greece has been locked in talks with its creditors -- the European Union, the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank -- in a bid to unlock 7.2 billion euros in bailout funds due to differences regarding austerity measures. Greece keeps rejecting its creditors’ strong reform measures as the June 5th deadline approaches, making its ability to meet its financial obligations worth 1.6 billion euros in June remain uncertain. 

Athens and its creditors are racing to hammer out a deal that would prevent the country from defaulting on its debt and potentially leaving the euro zone.

