G20 leaders meet in St. Petersburg

(VOVworld) – Leaders of G20 countries have met in St. Petersburg, Russia, to seek ways to strengthen cooperation for rapid, stable, and balanced economic development. The G20 summit came amid intense preparation by the US and the West for a possible strike on Syria, unstable world financial market, unbalanced global economic development, and worsening unemployment in many countries. World top emerging economies, including Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, called BRICS met prior to the G20 summit to reach consensus on approaches to the most complicated issues to be discussed at the summit and approve 100 billion USD to the foreign currency reserve fund to stabilize the monetary market. The first day of discussion focused on growth and the world economy. G20 leaders will issue a joint statement after the 2-day event.

G20 leaders meet in St. Petersburg - ảnh 1
Russia's President Vladimir Putin (L) welcomes U.S. President Barack Obama before the first working session of the G20 Summit. (Photo: Reuters)

Several high-ranking meetings will be held on the sidelines of the G20 summit. These include a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Barack Obama.

