Geneva talks produce agreement over Ukraine

(VOVworld) – Russia, the US, the EU, and the Ukrainian government have reached an agreement to de-escalate the crisis in Ukraine.

Geneva talks produce agreement over Ukraine - ảnh 1
Seven hours of negotations in Geneva ended in agreement on a series of concrete steps. (Photo: EPA)

The Geneva talks over Ukraine concluded Thursday with a joint statement, saying that all parties will avoid any form of violence, threats, or provocation. The participants condemned acts of extremism or discrimination, including anti-Semitism, which would disrupt Ukraine’s religious harmony. They called for the disarming of all illegal groups, and said these groups must vacate all government buildings and public spaces they have occupied. In return, the protesters, if they leave the public buildings immediately and disarm themselves, will be given amnesty.
The Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) will be commissioned to help the Ukrainian government and local authorities implement measures to de-escalate the situation in Eastern Ukraine. Russia, the US, and the EU agreed to send observers to help the OSCE.
The Ukrainian constitution will be revised based on principles of comprehensiveness, transparency, and responsibility. A national dialogue will be organised all across Ukraine to discuss reforms and receive recommendations from all Ukrainians. The participants underscored the importance of Ukraine’s economic and financial stability and promised to meet again later.  

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