Germany, UK, France on brink of COVID-19 second wave

(VOVWORLD) - There is heightened concern of a coronavirus resurgence in Germany as Germans have loosened their adherence to social distancing rules, an expert said. 

Germany, UK, France on brink of COVID-19 second wave - ảnh 1 Health workers take samples for COVID-19 tests in Mamming, Germany.

(Photo: AFP/VNA) 

In an interview published Tuesday, Susanne Johna, head of Germany's doctors' union, said social distancing, good hygiene, and mask wearing continue to be necessary to keep infection levels low.

Meanwhile, the UK will face a second wave of COVID-19 this winter, twice as widespread as the initial outbreak, if it reopens schools without a more effective test-and-trace system in place, according to a study published on Tuesday. Researchers from University College London and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine said a second wave will be prevented if 75% of those with symptoms are tested and 68% of their contacts are traced.

France’s scientific council predicted a possible coronavirus resurgence at a high level by autumn or winter. Data this week showed an increase in the number of infected people, breaking the downward trend set in April.

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