Government convenes June monthly meeting

(VOVworld) – Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung chaired the government’s monthly meeting for June  in Hanoi on Thursday to review the socio-economic status and government’s management in this year’s first half and finalize plans for the second half.

Government convenes June monthly meeting - ảnh 1
The government’s monthly meeting for June opens on June 27th. (Photo: VGP)

According to central and local authorities, the government’s resolutions, particularly Resolution 2, proved effective in removing obstacles for businesses, facilitate goods circulation, resolving bad debts and other economic challenges, and stabilizing the macro-economy towards long-term sustainability. The first 6 months witnessed higher growth rate in almost all sectors. Inflation received little concern and this year’s inflation rate is expected to be lower than last year. PM Dung asked localities to review the government’s performance, discuss and propose measures to settle newly emerging economic issues to reach 5.5% growth rate this year, outline state budget plan, and ensure agricultural growth. Prime Minister Dung said: " Agriculture is a key sector of Vietnam’s economy. The sector was still growing in the first 6 months but the growth rate is lower than the same period last year. So what are the causes and what are the solutions? We should reach consensus on the measures for coordinated implementation".

This afternoon, participants worked on the government’s management and ways to enable the government to drive the country to achieve this year’s socio-economic development targets.       

Addressing the closing session, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung asked ministries and provinces to continue stabilizing the macro economy and promote growth: “More credit growth should focus on priority areas, including agriculture, exports and supportive industries. Credit flow must be channeled to businesses with potential to grow and market outlets to ease the burden on national economy.”

