HCM City allows shippers to operate in COVID-19 “red zones” from Monday

(VOVWORLD) - Ho Chi Minh City has allowed shippers to resume operations in eight COVID-19 “red zones” under certain conditions from Monday.
HCM City allows shippers to operate in COVID-19 “red zones” from Monday - ảnh 1Illustrative image (Source: VNA)

The decision is part of efforts to ensure the supply of food and necessities for local residents during social distancing. Shippers can operate in eight red zones of Thu Duc city, Districts 8 and 12, Binh Tan, Binh Thanh, Binh Chanh and Hoc Mon districts.

The shippers must be vaccinated against COVID-19 and carry a negative rapid COVID-19 test certificate. They will receive COVID-19 testing once a day in the early morning.

Shippers operating in the remaining 14 district should also receive at least one shot of COVID-19 vaccine and show their negative testing result, which is valid in two days.

The municipal People’s Commitee has asked the Public Security Department to issue about 20,000 travel permits to workers in retail sector to ensure goods supply for locals.

HCM City has been the largest COVID-19 hotspot in the country, with over 200,000 cases reported so far.

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