Iran nuclear talks resumed in Vienna

(VOVWORLD) - Iran and the world powers resumed the 6th round of talks in Vienna, Austria, on Saturday to discuss restoring the Iran nuclear deal signed in 2015, officially called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.
Iran nuclear talks resumed in Vienna - ảnh 1Iran's Foreign Minister and Chief Negotiator Abbas Araqchi (R) at the JCPOA meeting in Vienna, Australia (Photo: IRNA/VNA)

The direct talks saw the participation of representatives from Russia, China, Britain, France, Germany, and the EU — that remain among the original signatories of the deal. The US delegation attended virtually because Iran refused a direct meeting.

European Union envoy in Iran nuclear talks Enrique Mora expressed his hope to reach an agreement during the talks. But other delegates were more cautious, saying that there remained many difficulties.

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