Iranian calls U.S. drill in Persian Gulf "political game"

An Iranian lawmaker said the upcoming military drill by the United States and its allies in the Persian Gulf will be "political games" to sway public opinion ahead of the U.S presidential election.

Iranian calls U.S. drill in Persian Gulf
Iranian calls U.S. drill in Persian Gulf "political game"

The United States and about 25 other countries will hold a large-scale mine-sweeping exercise this weekend in a show of unity and to dissuade Iran from attempting to block oil exports through the Strait of Hormuz. Baqer Hosseini a member of Iran's Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Commission said the war games in the Persian Gulf would have no impact on Iran, adding that Iran is in full command of the Persian Gulf region and that the United States and its allies would not only fail to achieve their objectives but would sustain heavy costs.

