Israel, Palestine seek to reach peace agreement

US Secretary of State John Kerry said Tuesday that Israel and Palestine have agreed to meet again to try to negotiate in order to sign a peace agreement within 9 months. At a joint press conference with the negotiators, Kerry said the meeting will begin in the middle of August either in Israel or in the Palestinian territories. Kerry, through admitting that peace will not come easily, is optimistic about a deal reached within 9 months.

Israel, Palestine seek to reach peace agreement - ảnh 1
A Palestinian carries the body of his 11-month-old son  who, according to hospital officials, was killed by an Israeli air strike. (Photo: Reuters)

The Middle East Quartet, made up of the United Nations, the United States, the European Union and Russia, welcomed the resumption of talks. The quartet is determined to lend its support to a two-state solution aimed at lasting peace and security for the region.

