Israeli PM says intense fighting to end in Gaza

(VOVWORLD) - The intensive phase of the conflict in Gaza is about to end, but that doesn’t mean an end to the conflict, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said in an interview with Israel’s Channel 14 TV news on Sunday.

Israeli PM says intense fighting to end in Gaza - ảnh 1Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks at a press conference in Jerusalem. (Photo: Xinhua/VNA)

He affirmed that operations against Hamas targets will continue. Netanyahu said he will only agree to a deal that sees Hamas removed from power in the Gaza Strip and the release of the approximately 100 Israeli hostages who are still being held.

The campaign launched by the Israeli army in October, 2023, has not yet achieved the goal of rescuing all the hostages and decisively defeating Hamas.

A battlefield stalemate has fueled increasingly strong protests against the Israeli government and calling for early elections, posing a serious threat to Netanyahu's grip on power and the stability of the ruling coalition.

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