Japanese Emperor’s birthday celebrated in HCM City

(VOV/VOVworld) - A ceremony was held in Ho Chi Minh City on Tuesday to celebrate the Japanese Emperor’s birthday concurrently National Day (December 23). Participants shared the view that the bilateral relationship has deepened recently with a lot of support and contributions by both peoples. According to statistics, Japan has been Vietnam’s biggest investor in 2012 with 29 billion USD of registered capital and 1,700 current projects. In the 2011 fiscal year, Japan provided Vietnam 3.3 billion USD in ODA, the largest amount ever recorded.

Japanese Emperor’s birthday celebrated in HCM City - ảnh 1
Participants cheer for the Japanese Emperor's birthday and National Day (photo: mofahcm)

Japanese Consul General Hida Harumitsu told reporters: 2013 is chosen as the Japan-Vietnam Friendship Year, which will mark the 40th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties. Both countries will organize a wide range of activities focusing on promoting culture and economics. I believe that Japan-Vietnam ties will flourish in the near future.

