Joe Biden pushes up transition, Donald Trump makes legal effort to reverse election result

(VOVWORLD) - US President-elect Joe Biden said Tuesday that the Trump administration’s refusal to authorize the start of the official transition process does not in any way change the dynamic of what they’re able to do.
Joe Biden pushes up transition, Donald Trump makes legal effort to reverse election result   - ảnh 1US President-elect Joe Biden (Photo: AFP/VNA)  

Biden’s team has already started the establishment of a new government for the transition in January 20, Biden told a press conference in Delaware. 

Last Saturday, most US news agencies reported that the vote count in Pennsylvania in trending in favor of Biden. US President Donald Trump is pushing a legal effort to reverse the election result in several battleground states, including Pennsylvania, Nevada, Georgia and Arizona. President Trump’s lawyers filed a lawsuit in a federal court in Pennsylvania, charging that Pennsylvania’s mail-in voting system “lacked all of the hallmarks of transparency and verifiability that were present for in-person voters.”

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