Kon Tum releases large number of wild animals to nature

(VOVWORLD) -The Forest Protection Sub-department in the Central Highlands province of Kon Tum has said that since 2018, its units have received 326 wild animals, of which nearly 300 individuals have been released to nature and handed over to national parks, and the rests are being cared for by these units.

Kon Tum releases large number of wild animals to nature - ảnh 1Illustrative image (Photo: VNA)

Specifically, among these animals, which are mainly turtles, lizards, pangolins, monkeys, languors, nearly 50 individuals were voluntarily handed over by local people, while the remainders were seized in illegal wildlife smuggling cases.

Most recently, in late February, the Forest Protection Unit of Kon Tum city received a pig-tailed macaque belonging to endangered and rare animals voluntarily handed over by a local man after being persuaded by forest rangers.

