Largest-ever aviation rescue drill held

(VOVworld) – The largest-ever aviation rescue drill in Vietnam was held on Tuesday in Nghi Loc Sea, Nghe An province. Directed by Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai, the rehearsal is aimed at honing search and rescue direction and coordination capacity within a flight area, practicing searching for planes in distress, and dealing with other related situations. The simulation involved the participation of all land, sea, and aviation rescue forces.

Largest-ever aviation rescue drill held - ảnh 1
The opening ceremony of the drill. Photo:

Deputy PM Hai, who is also Chairman of the National Committee of Civil Aviation Security, highlighted the significance of the exercise amid increasing complexities in the global aviation industry, citing several dangerous aviation accidents that have caused huge losses to life and property.

Largest-ever aviation rescue drill held - ảnh 2
A simulation scenario where plane fell at sea.

He added that the event is an ideal opportunity for the transport and aviation sectors to practice and improve their search and rescue capabilities and better cope with any real-life emergencies in Vietnam.

