Multi-sector cooperation is needed for culture development

(VOVworld)- A dialogue on enhancing cooperation to preserve and develop culture for Vietnam’s sustainable development took place Monday in Hanoi. The event attracted the participation of many domestic and foreign cultural experts, senior policy makers, representatives from international and non-governmental organizations as well as businesses and the media. Delegates agreed on the importance of multi-sector cooperation in preserving and developing culture. They said that money provided by the government and international donors for cultural activities is never adequate. Therefore, businesses’ support for cultural agencies is of great importance for culture development. Deputy Director of Center for Cultural Heritage Research and Promotion Nguyen Van Huy says: "In my opinion, there are 3 basic cooeprative models in this field. First, businesses can set up funds for socio-economic development. Second, they can support prestigious non-governmental organizations to use their money in the most effective way for culture development. Finally, they can directly sponsor cultural activities. It’s also neccesary for us to learn experiences from abroad. For example, when a business sponsors cultural activities, they will gain a lot of reputation for their trademarks or even be exempted from taxes by the government."
The event is part of the “Culture and Development” Week launched by the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation or UNESCO, in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism this week in Hanoi.  This is the first time the event has been held in Vietnam to review UNESCO-funded projects on culture and development and set orientations to enhance culture’s role in sustainable development.

