NA deputies discuss draft Laws on Education and Trade Union

(VOVworld)-National Assembly deputies on Friday praised the role played by the labor union in addressing issues facing workers.

NA deputies discuss draft Laws on Education and Trade Union - ảnh 1
A member expressed his opinion (Photo:Internet)

During their discussion on the draft law on trade union, the deputies said the labor union represents the workers’ class and serves as a bridge between the public and the Party. Deputy Pham Phi Hung is from Hanoi:“I support the organizational structure of the trade union, which has been divided into 4 levels, including the grassroots, provincial and the confederation of labor union.”

Regarding the draft law on education, deputies emphasized the decision making power and accountability of universities. Deputy Dam Thi My Huong from the central province of Ninh Thuan:“I support the Standing Committee’s view that a school council is a must in universities. This will ensure self-determination to universities and make it more accountable to the society. The Ministry of Education and Training should issue detailed guidance on the functioning of the council to ensure proper supervision and remedies.”

Most deputies agreed that the government would initiate a ranking guidance for tertiary education with transparent accreditation procedures

