NA discusses revising 1992 Constitution

(VOVworld) – NA deputies discussed the right to use land, land prices and compensation for land reclamation on Tuesday afternoon.

NA discusses revising 1992 Constitution  - ảnh 1

They agreed that the land belongs to the people and the State is managing it on behalf of the people, so land prices including land price frames and specific prices must be decided by the State. Land prices need to be flexible and suitable for each kind of land, different land use and renting. Apart from compensation, the State needs to have policies to help those whose land was reclaimed so they can stabilize their lives and ensure their incomes. Le Viet Truong, a NA Deputy from An Giang province said the State’s regulations on compensation for land reclamation must be democratic, transparent, objective and in line with the law: "Land reclaimed for security or public purposes should be then returned to the people. Land should be returned for the right value and conditions equivalent to the original agreement. In case they are refused the land back, we will turn to compensation. If the people are made to move to other areas, conditions in the new location must be equivalent or even better the old one. The prices must be harmonized between benefiting the State, the people and the investors".

Earlier, the National Assembly deputies discussed revision to the 1992 Constitution and a draft resolution on the amendment public consultation.

The revisions amend 9 articles clarify the status, role, and leadership of the Party, strengthen protections and respect for human rights, and create a constitutional foundation for international cooperation, defining national rights and responsibilities. Tran Minh Dieu, a deputy from Quang Binh province, says: "The government’s power belongs to the people. This is an important concept. The Party’s platform and resolution make this a guiding principle of the revision process.  The people exercise their power through the National Assembly and the People’s Councils, which are elected by the people to represent their will and aspirations and remain responsible to the people".

The revisions include amendments on human rights and fundamental civil rights and duties, and reinforces the power of the President to command the people’s armed forces and to be the President of the National Defense and Security Council.

The revision will be made public to collect opinions from January 2nd to March 31st. The Committee on revising the Constitution will summarize deputy and voter opinions and will submit a revised constitution to the NA for approval at the 6th session next year.

