National Assembly approves change in agenda including relief of To Lam from post of Public Security Minister

(VOVWORLD) - The National Assembly (NA) on Tuesday agreed on a proposal to adjust the agenda of its ongoing session, which includes the relief of Mr. To Lam from his current position as Minister of Public Security. 
National Assembly approves change in agenda including relief of To Lam from post of Public Security Minister - ảnh 1General To Lam. (Photo: VNA)

Mr. Lam has been nominated by the Party Central Committee to be elected by the National Assembly as State President for the 2021-2026 term.

The proposal, presented by NA Secretary General Bui Van Cuong, will be carried out together with the election of the President during the sessions on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning.

Mr. Cuong said the change in plan was based on opinions from relevant authorities, the laws, and on a proposal from the Prime Minister.

