NGOs provide Vietnam with 283 mln USD in 2015

(VOVworld)- Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) provided Vietnam with a total 283 million USD in aid in 2015, it was announced at a conference in Hanoi on December 23 to sum up NGOs work and lay out tasks for next year.
NGOs provide Vietnam with 283 mln USD in 2015 - ảnh 1

The amount of aid was less than the 304 million USD recorded last year as NGOs shifted their priority to humanitarian hotspots worldwide, reports at the conference said. However, the number of NGOs operating in Vietnam is increasing. Deputy Foreign Minister Ho Xuan Son, who is also head of the NGO committee, called for effectively utilising aid and seeking new capital from businesses and foreign funds in Vietnam. In the near future, the committee will continue providing administrative, technical and legal support to foreign NGOs, boosting ties with embassies, development cooperation agencies, the United Nations and international organisations, improving policy consultation, research and personnel training.

