Overseas Vietnamese contribute to national development

Overseas Vietnamese contribute to national development - ảnh 1
Thai Vietnamese Pham Quoc Loi

(VOVworld) - The ninth National Patriotic Emulation Congress will take place on Sunday and Monday in Hanoi. Themed “Solidarity, Creativity, and Emulation for National Protection and Construction”, the congress will review the implementation of patriotic emulation and commendation activities over the past 5 years and honor outstanding individuals and collectives nationwide. As many as 2000 delegates including 16 overseas Vietnamese will attend the Congress. One of the participants, Thai Vietnamese Pham Quoc Loi, has contributed to making Vietnamese language a subject in teaching curricula of 45 high schools in Thailand. Loi told VOV: "Such contributions by us are rather small in comparison with those by our fellow countrymen at home to our national construction and development. Though we are living abroad, we were born Vietnamese, and we are always determined to do all we can to help Vietnam further develop."

