Pakistan sets up special court for Musharraf’s trial

(VOVworld) - The Pakistani government on Tuesday decided to set up a special court to try former President and Army Commander Pervez Musharraf for treason for suspending the constitution when he imposed emergency rule in 2007. The charges could entail the death penalty or life imprisonment. On the same day, Pakistan’s Supreme Court approved 3 judges to the court to meet the government’s requirement on Monday.

Pakistan sets up special court for Musharraf’s trial - ảnh 1
Pervez Musharraf may be sentenced  to death or life imprisonment. (Photo: Reuters)

The Interior Ministry last week announced Musharraf’s trial for treason. 69-year-old Musharraf faced the charge for declaring the state of emergency in 2007 right before the Supreme Court ruled on whether he was eligible for reelection while still army chief. During the emergency period, he suspended the constitution and parliament and sacked top judges who declared his actions unconstitutional and illegal. He was involved in 3 cases, including the murder of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto in 2007.

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